71 Youngs Mill is rented. We have no vacancies at this time.

132 Lafayette Court is rented at this time. All other apartments are currently occupied. We currently have no vacant apartments.
Our 21 apartments are located on Lafayette Court off of Youngs Mill Road and on Elm Street. The buildings on Lafayette Court are duplexes and triplexes. 610 Elm Street has four apartments.
All apartments have 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, living room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer.
Rent for the apartments is $795/mo. The Deposit is $795. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up. Images not available for all properties at this time.
For further information please email david@pastpluto.com or call 957-0007.

71 Youngs Mill Road near Commerce Avenue. Wood siding home in nice neighborhood on approx 1 acre with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Rent is $1175/mo and the Deposit is $1175. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

137 Youngs Mill Road. Brick and siding home in nice neighborhood on approx 1 acres with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, dining room, kitchen, basement, and hookups for washer and dryer. Interior completely renovated and updated 2007. Rent is $975/mo and the Deposit is $975. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

348 Youngs Mill Road near intersection with North Barnard. Wood sided home in nice neighborhood on approx 1 acre with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, utility room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Rent is $1,000/mo and the Deposit is $1,000. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

1322 Greenville street near Lagrange Toyota. Wood siding home on approx 1.5 acres with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Rent is $1,275/mo and the Deposit is $1,275. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up.

4 South Barnard between Greenville Street and Youngs Mill Road. Wood siding home on approx 1 acres with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, dining room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Completely remodeled spirng of 2007. Rent is $1100/mo and the Deposit is $1100. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

80 North Barnard between Hogansville Rd and Youngs Mill Road. Brick home in nice neighborhood on approx 2 acres with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, formal dining room, utility room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Interior completely remodeled and new roof summer of 2010. Rent is $1,400/mo and the Deposit is $1,400. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

237 Rutland Circle off of Youngs Mill Road. Renovated fall 2010. Wood siding home in nice neighborhood with fenced yard on approx 1 acre with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Rent is $1,250/mo and the Deposit is $1,250. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

109 Bonaventure Dr. off of Youngs Mill Road. Brick and siding home in nice neighborhood on approx 1.5 acres with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Central HVAC system added 11/05. Rent is $975/mo and the Deposit is $975. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

110 Bonaventure. Vinyl siding home in nice neighborhood with fenced back yard on approx 1 acre with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, living room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Rent is $1300/mo and the Deposit is $1300. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

132 Alton Drive off of New Franklin Road. Brick home in nice neighborhood with fenced yard on approx 1 acre with 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, living room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Rent is $1,400/mo and the Deposit is $1,400. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

126 Preston Drive off of New Franklin Road. Brick home in nice neighborhood on approx 1 acre corner lot with 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bath, living room, kitchen and hookups for washer and dryer. Rent is 1,300/mo and the Deposit is $1,300. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up on Tuesdays.

131 Avery Dr. has been sold.

71 Glenda Dr. near Wal-Mart. Wood siding home in nice neighborhood on approx 1 acre with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, kitchen and utility room with hookups for washer and dryer. Rent is $975/mo and the Deposit is $975. Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include water. Electricity provided by Diverse Power. Located in county with septic system.
71 Youngs Mill is rented at this time..
Our 29 homes have been fully renovated and are not only up to code but will exceed your expectations. Images not available for all properties at this time.
Utilities provided by the City of Lagrange include electricity, water, sewage, and trash pick-up.
We also have commercial properties available on Hogansville Rd. and Greenville St.
For further information please email david@pastpluto.com or call 957-0007